Han Ge, Jiawang Chen, Yuhong Wang, Chizhong Wang; Influence of coaxiality on internal mixing of coflow generated droplets. Appl. Phys. Lett. 12 February 2024; 124 (7): 074102. ... Among the various methods for their production, capillary-generated droplets emerge as a notable approach. Understanding the role of coaxiality …
عرض المزيدThe optimal method achieved a minimum particle size of 1.17 μm, with microscopic observations showing complete encapsulation of oil droplets and smooth. …
عرض المزيدDOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.144303 Corpus ID: 259711338; Generation of droplets of shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluids in T-junction parallelized microchannels @article{Wang2023GenerationOD, title={Generation of droplets of shear-thinning non-Newtonian fluids in T-junction parallelized microchannels}, author={Zhongdong Wang …
عرض المزيدWhat are some commonly used symbols on Grindr and what do they mean? Grindr is a popular dating app for gay, bi, trans, and queer individuals. Like any other dating app, it has its own set of symbols and emojis to help …
عرض المزيدDOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.122151 Corpus ID: 265767426; Experimental investigation on evaporation, puffing and vapor jetting of multi-component fuel droplets with high-volatility difference
عرض المزيدDeformation of sessile droplets under shear flow is widespread in both nature and industry. Previous research focuses on the shedding process of sessile …
عرض المزيدLipid droplets form from the endoplasmic reticulum in an organized manner, but little is known about the cellular machinery that gives rise to lipid droplets. A protein called seipin is thought to be involved in lipid droplet formation. ... Now, Wang et al. have studied the seipin protein in insect and human cells grown in the laboratory. The ...
عرض المزيدMystic Droplet is a Uncommon material. This material can be dropped by: Sea Soldier Water Fighter Godhuman 10 20 10 20 5,000,000 5,000 Buddy Sword 8 5 25 Pole (2nd Form) 15 10 12 Saddi 8 10 Shark Anchor 10 5 50 Shisui 8 10 Spikey Trident 8 5 20 True Triple Katana 5 20 50 Wando 8 10 A total of 79 Mystic Droplets are required to buy …
عرض المزيدElectrohydrodynamic inkjet (e-jet) utilizes electrical forces to generate micro/nano scale droplets. • Scalar diffraction for in-situ measurement and digital reconstruction of opaque material printed on transparent substrates.. Digital recording of scalar diffraction patterns in the image plane was employed with a magnification …
عرض المزيد1. Introduction. Over past years, droplet-based microfluidics has seen itself becoming an irreplaceable tool for both scientific researches and engineering applications due to rapid developments in the fabrication techniques at the microscale as well as in the facilities to observe and capture desired phenomena (Anna, 2016, Shang et al., 2017, …
عرض المزيدBackground Lipid droplet (LD) is a metabolically active organelle, which changes dynamically with the metabolic state and energy requirements of cells. Proteins …
عرض المزيدIn the Cassie state, droplets sit on top of the rough texture of a surface which is filled with trapped air pockets. In this so-called Cassie state, the droplets can then slip easily over the underlying air/solid surface. While in the Wenzel state, the drop homogeneously wets the micro/nanoscale roughness of the surface.
عرض المزيدXiaoyu Wang is currently a doctoral candidate at North China Electric Power University. His primary research interest is the cavitation and bubble dynamics, including bubble-particle interactions, bubble within droplets, and bubble-boundary interactions. He has published 20 papers in high-profile journals.
عرض المزيدDroplet is the first journal devoted to research on droplets/bubbles from microscopic to macroscopic scales, covering a range of subject areas including fluid dynamics. ... Wang et al. 90 constructed microstructures with different densities on a substrate surface by photolithography to prepare the wettability gradient surface energy.
عرض المزيدDroplets, either condensed from warm vapour or pinched off through Rayleigh-Plateau instability, are the incipient and full-blown states of liquid and are …
عرض المزيدTypical droplets, including water... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate ... Minghui Duan 1, Xiyu Zhu 1, Xiaohui Shan 1, Hongzhang Wang 1, Sen Chen 1, * and Jing Liu 1 ...
عرض المزيدWhen two droplets on a superhydrophobic surface coalesce, the excess surface energy causes the merged droplet to jump away from the surface. ... Wang, F. C., Yang, F. Q. & Zhao, Y. P. Size effect ...
عرض المزيدLili Wang, Yuxin Song, Wanghuai Xu, Wanbo Li, Yuankai Jin, Shouwei Gao, Siyan Yang, Chenyang Wu, Steven Wang ... We envision that the ability to harvest electrical energy from water droplets at high impact frequency has promising applications in various energy-harvesting systems. (Figure presented.). Original language: English: Article number:
عرض المزيدThe mechanisms of EMCF action on molecules in droplets were explored through MD simulation under the conditions of E=0.5 V·nm −1, f=50 GHz, B=0/1.5 T, and C ion …
عرض المزيدFor instance, molecular dynamics carried out by Wang et al. [43], [44], [45] revealed the decisive effect of the presence of ions on the liquid bridge evolution pattern. …
عرض المزيدIntroduction. Cytoplasmic lipid droplets, as well as secreted lipoproteins, originate in the ER. But the relationship does not end there. Associations between droplets and the ER, first observed by electron microscopy 35 years ago (Novikoff et al., 1980), remain.In yeast, droplets do not appear to ever dissociate from the ER (Szymanski et …
عرض المزيدWhen you grind you beans, it greats static electricity within the grinder that causes a portion of the grinds to get stuck within the grinder. A small spritz of water is the solution to this issue. ... Spray mist: You want the water droplets to come out in a light mist. All of the bottles I've recommended in this post do this. This helps evenly ...
عرض المزيدDOI: 10.7554/eLife.16582 Corpus ID: 16903989; Seipin is required for converting nascent to mature lipid droplets @article{Wang2016SeipinIR, title={Seipin is required for converting nascent to mature lipid droplets}, author={Huajin Wang and Michel Becuwe and Benjamin E. Housden and Chandramohan Chitraju and Ashley J. Porras …
عرض المزيدDroplets in polymers can be used as additives to change materials' optical properties or as cavities to store functional liquids or volatile templates to create porous …
عرض المزيدWang S et al. Seipin and the membrane-shaping protein Pex30 cooperate in organelle budding from the endoplasmic reticulum. Nat. Commun. 9, 2939 (2018). [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] References 42 and 43 discover a role for Pex30 in regulating membrane domains that are required for the biogenesis of both lipid droplets and peroxisomes.
عرض المزيدBy manipulating the nucleation and growth of solid materials, the synthesis of various sophisticated nanostructures has been achieved. Similar methodology, if applied to liquids, could enable the mass-production and control of ultra-small droplets at the scale of nanoparticles (10 −18 L or below). It would be highly desirable since …
عرض المزيدA methodical analysis on the dynamic interaction behavior between a pair of uneven sized ferrofluid droplets freely falling under gravity and uniform magnetic fields is presented in this article. Here, a conservative level set method (LSM) is adopted to precisely calculate the free interface curvature of the droplet, which again couples both …
عرض المزيدAlthough the shearing flow provides very stable generation environment of micron droplets, the low droplet break-up frequency in this flow pattern, which only creates hundreds of droplets per second (Wang et al., 2011), is far from meeting the demands of millions to billions of particles in practice. Therefore, in general, practical application ...
عرض المزيدThe first observation of lipid droplets can be credited to van Leeuwenhoek when he viewed fat globules in milk using his self-made microscope in 1674 (1).Much more recently, lipid droplets have been found to exist as an intracellular organelle (2., 3., 4. – 5).About two decades ago, the identification of marker proteins provided a tool for …
عرض المزيدTaking three droplets merging as an example, Wang et al. [62] simulated the influence of initial droplet arrangement on the jumping dynamics using the 3D LB model, as shown in Fig. 6 (d). Concentrated three droplets merging effectively improved the jumping speed compared to double droplets merging, while discrete droplet arrangement is …
عرض المزيدThe first observation of lipid droplets can be credited to van Leeuwenhoek when he viewed fat globules in milk using his self-made microscope in 1674 ().Much more recently, lipid droplets have been found to exist as an intracellular organelle (2–5).About two decades ago, the identification of marker proteins provided a tool for scientists to study this …
عرض المزيدDOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20221505.6425 Corpus ID: 253474766; Droplets deposition and harvest-aid efficacy for UAV application in arid cotton areas in Xinjiang, China @article{Wang2022DropletsDA, title={Droplets deposition and harvest-aid efficacy for UAV application in arid cotton areas in Xinjiang, China}, author={Guobin Wang and Jiahui …
عرض المزيدBubbles in ice droplets rapidly impact the micro-nano valleys under Marangoni force, prompting the continuous recovery of air pockets during melting processes. ... Wang, D. et al. Design of robust ...
عرض المزيدDroplets can typically be manipulated in an electric field in three ways: Electrowetting technique, electrostatic induction and surface charge density gradient.
عرض المزيدDOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau3488 Corpus ID: 53304585; Coalescence-induced jumping of droplets on superomniphobic surfaces with macrotexture @article{Vahabi2018CoalescenceinducedJO, title={Coalescence-induced jumping of droplets on superomniphobic surfaces with macrotexture}, author={Hamed Vahabi and …
عرض المزيدOpen droplet microfluidic systems manipulate droplets on the picolitre-to-microlitre scale in an open environment. They combine the compartmentalization and control offered by traditional droplet ...
عرض المزيد