Desert roses are most commonly comprised of two minerals, selenite (gypsum) and/or barite. Selenite from the Latin, selenites, Greek, selene literally translating to "Moon". Ranges from transparent to pearly luminosity, is an evaporate that has 4 varities of the mineral gypsum, selenite, satin spar, desert rose and gyspum flower.
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عرض المزيدHISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Austinite, pronounced AUSS-tin-ite, was recognized as a mineral species after its discovery in Utah in 1935. It is named for American mineralogist Austin Flint Rogers (1877-1957).
عرض المزيدThe other molybdenite-group minerals include drysdallite, or molybdenum diselenide (MoSe 2), and tungstenite, or tungsten disulfide (WS 2). Molybdenite's perfect, one-directional cleavage, softness, and greasy feel are explained by the complex bonding within its crystal lattice. The molybdenite molecule consists of a molybdenum atom bound to two
عرض المزيدLibethenite is a rare, secondary mineral that forms in the oxidized zones of copper deposits, usually from the weathering of apatite-group phosphate minerals. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Because of its rarity, libethenite has no technological or jewelry uses.
عرض المزيدSelenite Cluster Mineral Specimen. GYPSUM (var. SELENITE) HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Gypsum, pronounced JIP-sum, is hydrous calcium sulfate. Its name stems from the Greek gypsos, or "plaster," alluding to one of its early uses. Selenite, pronounced SELL-en-ite, is the crystalline variety of gypsum.
عرض المزيدCelestial Earth Minerals -Tthe wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals,rocks,…
عرض المزيدWelcome to the wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals - Celestial Earth Minerals
عرض المزيدLovely pink-magenta in color cobaltoan calcite derives its name form the Greek chalx, meaning "lime" or any white, calcareous mineral. Collectors acquire dolomite because of the rarity of the well-developed crystals; interesting mineralogical association; and unusual, curved crystal faces.
عرض المزيدWelcome to the wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals - Celestial Earth Minerals
عرض المزيدFine molybdenite specimens have come from many North American localities. Among them are the major molybdenite deposits at the Climax Mine near Leadville, Colorado; the …
عرض المزيدStilbite-Ca is a secondary mineral that forms in vugs in basaltic rock in association with other zeolites, and also occurs in sedimentary layers that have undergone alkaline alteration. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, …
عرض المزيدLovely pink-magenta in color cobaltoan calcite derives its name form the Greek chalx, meaning "lime" or any white, calcareous mineral. Collectors acquire dolomite because of the rarity of the well-developed crystals; interesting mineralogical association; and unusual, curved crystal faces.
عرض المزيدIt is transparent to translucent, has a lime-green color, a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4.0, a resinous luster, and a high specific gravity of 6.5-7.1. Pyromorphite is a secondary mineral that forms in the oxidized zones of lead deposits and is usually associated with such minerals as wulfenite, anglesite, and cerussite.
عرض المزيدMIMETITE. HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Mimetite, pronounced MEE-meh-tite, was recognized as a mineral species and named in 1835. Mimetite's name stems from the Greek mimethes, meaning "to imitate" and alluding to its similarity to pyromorphite.
عرض المزيدCelestial Earth Minerals -Tthe wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals,rocks,…
عرض المزيدFLUORITE (var. "RAINBOW") HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Fluorite, pronounced FLOR-ite, has been known since antiquity. Its name stems from the Latin fluere, meaning "flow," and alluding to its ability to reduce the melting temperature of …
عرض المزيدARSENOPYRITE. HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Arsenopyrite, pronounced arr-sen-oh-PIE-rite, has since antiquity served as a source of the element arsenic.
عرض المزيدLearn about the chemical formula, composition, crystal structure, physical and optical properties, and occurrence of molybdenite, a hexagonal sulfide mineral. See images, …
عرض المزيدCrystals & Minerals, Cactus Quartz Cactus Quartz QUARTZ (var. AMETHYST, subvariety CACTUS): Amethyst cactus quartz, or silicon dioxide, is one of the most unusual and distinctive forms of quartz that is …
عرض المزيدCelestial Earth Minerals -Tthe wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals,rocks,…
عرض المزيدHISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Mineralogists recognized forsterite, pronounced FOR-stir-ite, as a mineral in 1824 and named it for the German naturalist Johann Forster. The transparent, lime-green, gem variety is known as peridot, pronounced PAIR-ee-doh, a name that is rooted in the Arabic faradat, or "gemstone."
عرض المزيدMARCASITE. HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Marcasite has been known since antiquity and long confused with chemically identical pyrite. Its name stems from the medieval Latin marcasita, which is derived from the Arabic markaschatsa, meaning "fire stone," in allusion to its ability to spark when struck with iron or flint.
عرض المزيدBowenite is a metamorphic mineral that forms from the hydrothermal alteration of peridotite. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Bowenite has no technological uses. As a semiprecious gemstone with a jade-like appearance, it is fashioned into cabochons for wear as pendants.
عرض المزيدCelestial Earth Minerals -Tthe wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals,rocks,…
عرض المزيدStibnite occurs primarily in hydrothermal veins and hot-springs deposits in association with such minerals as cinnabar, realgar, and arsenopyrite. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES, LORE, USES: Powdered stibnite has served as …
عرض المزيدWelcome to the wonderful world of minerals, crystals minerals - Celestial Earth Minerals
عرض المزيدHISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Trolleite, pronounced TRAHL-ah-ite, was recognized as a mineral species in 1868 after a study of specimens collected at the Västanå iron mine in Sweden. It is named for Swedish chemist Hans Gabriel Trolle-Wachtmeister (1782-1871).
عرض المزيدThis mineral is sweet light pink to deep pink prismatic crystals with small quartz terminations sprinkled through out the specimen. Locality: San Martin Mine at Chiurucu, Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Dept., Peru
عرض المزيدWulfenite will always be the most collectible molybdenum mineral for its rarity, excellent crystal development, and, most importantly, its bright yellow-orange colors. But when …
عرض المزيدMolybdenite is the most prevalent molybdenum-bearing mineral, and is named after that element. It forms in lustrous, metallic-looking crystals that can be easily bent and have …
عرض المزيدMolybdenite is a rare sulfide mineral that is the primary ore of molybdenum and a minor ore of rhenium. It has a greasy feel, a low …
عرض المزيدCelestial Earth Minerals offers healing stones, semi-precious gemstones, rocks & minerals at discounted price. Buy today!
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