The Tovarov grindability index is used to determine the influence of materials on the cement clinker grinding capacity of a mill; the basis is rotary kiln clinker with a defined grindability index of a = 1.According to this, a mill grinding 30 t/h clinker, will grind 30 x 1.40 = 42 t/h of marl or 30 x 0.6 = 18 t/h of silica sand. The grindability index of rotary kiln …
عرض المزيدThe Bond Work Index (Wi) is a common technique for the estimation of hardness and energy requirement for comminution using ball mills. However, this technique is time-consuming (close to 5 hours ...
عرض المزيدIt is a well-known fact that the value of the Bond work index (wi) for a given ore varies along with the grinding size. In this study, a variability bysis is carried out with the Bond standard grindability tests on different critical metal ores (W, Ta), ranging from coarse grinding (rod mills) to fine grinding (ball mills). The relationship between wi and …
عرض المزيدLearn how to estimate the power and size of a ball mill for grinding various materials based on work index, feed and product size, and circuit type. See examples of ball mill design and power calculation …
عرض المزيدfeed size distribution is different to a standard Bond ball mill work index test. A series of 10 samples for an Andean copper project were treated to both the SAGDesign (and Sd_bwi) test and the standard Bond ball mill work index test with 180 µm closing screens. The SAGDesign results (with the non-standard ball mill feed) are given in Table 1.
عرض المزيدUse this online formula to calculate a Ball Mill, Rod Mill or SAG Mill Operating Work Index. Based on Fred Bond's work you can estimate the energy used into your grinding circuit. This is the most accurate and informative method, but much of the data necessary for its application is not yet available.
عرض المزيدAn improved method using less mass compared to the Bond Ball Mill Work Index test. The JK Bond Ball Mill (JKBBM) test, is a locked cycle grindability test conducted using a standard laboratory Bond Ball Mill with the same steel ball charge and material feed size ( passing 3.35 mm) as the Bond Ball Mill Work Index test. The test requires ...
عرض المزيدThe Bond's Ball-Mill Work Index is a measure of the resistance of the material to grinding in a ball mill. This Index is widely used in the industry for comparing the resistance of different materials to ball milling, for estimating the …
عرض المزيدThe Bond ball mill work index is one of the most commonly used grindability tests in mining, and is often referred to as the Bond work index. The test is a 'locked-cycle' test where ground product is removed from …
عرض المزيدgrams per revolution (Gbp) is the ball mill grindability. The ball mill work index, Wi (kWh/short ton) is calculated from the following equation (Bond 1961):1 The mill should be cleaned by either blowing air into it or wiping the interior with a cloth and or brush. The FC Bond ball mill is now ready for the next sample.
عرض المزيدBond ball mill work index (BBMWI) test is a standard test used to measure the ball mill work, which is calculated in accordance with the procedure proposed by the Bond [21]. The BBMWI determines how much energy is needed to grind a sample of ore in a ball mill [22]. This measurement is expressed in kilowatt-hour per ton (kWh/t), which …
عرض المزيدSeveral authors have developed simplified tests to predict ball mill's energy consumption, typically using the Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBMWI) as a reference. One option requiring less mass is ...
عرض المزيدThe ball mill grindability test is used for describing ore hardness and it is so widespread that the Bond Work Index generated from the test is often referred to as an ore characteristic. The ore resistance to grinding and energy consumption can be expressed using the work index and Bond's Third Theory.
عرض المزيدThe Bond ball mill work index test is a standard procedure to determine the ore grindability in function of specific energy (kWh/ton). This index is extensively used in the mineral processing industry and needs an available skilled staff and specially prepared feed samples (Aksani and Sönmez, 2000).
عرض المزيدThe laboratory procedure for running a Bond ball mill work index test requires that the operator choose a closing screen sieve size. The instruction is to choose a sieve size that results in the ...
عرض المزيدMining, Metallurgy & Exploration - Austin, L.G., Klimpel, R.R., and Luckie, P.T., 1984, Process Engineering of Size Reduction — Ball Milling, SME, Chapter 4, p.76 ...
عرض المزيدThe Bond work index, W i, is defined in a Bond ball mill on the samples of standard size − 3.327 + 0 mm. In practice, it is possible to find materials of non-standard size that are finer than 3.327 mm.. In this work, a procedure for the calculation of the Bond work index is suggested for cases when the Bond grindability test is conducted on …
عرض المزيدFig. 1. Ores for the work index test: a) type and b) feed size 2.2. Ball mills and operation conditions Fig. 2(a-d) shows the ball mills used in the determination of the Work Index (standard mill BBM and non-standard mills BM-1 to BM-3, all ball mills without lifters). Bond standard ball mill (Fig 2(a);
عرض المزيدFrom a practical point of view, the work index is divided into ball milling work index (the short form of Bond ball milling work index), rod milling work index, and crushing work index. The corresponding methods of test and determination with a small amount of ore samples in the laboratory are put forward, too. These test methods …
عرض المزيدThe Bond Ball Mill Work Index (BBWi) test is carried out in a standardised ball mill with a pre-defined media and ore charge. ... GSL can carry out Bond Rod Mill Work Index tests to determine the energy requirements for milling ore in a rod mill. The test requires a minimum of 20kg of -12.5mm material. Closing screen sizes typically range from ...
عرض المزيدAn alternative mill ball charge is proposed that closely approximates Bond's original total ball mass, number of balls and ball surface area. Results of 30 Bond Work index tests of six pure materials (calcite, magnesite, labradorite (feldspar), quartz, andalusite and glass) using closing screen apertures (P 1) values of 500, 250, 125, 90 …
عرض المزيدThe Bond work index is one of the most useful and interesting parameters used in designing grinding equipment. However, it must be obtained under restrained conditions, especially in regards to the…
عرض المزيدFIGURE 8: ROD MILL/BALL MILL WORK INDEX RATIO v. UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 100 200 300 400 UCS (MPa) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 WiRM/WiBM (metric) Siddall et al (1996) identified the ratio of Bond rod mill Work Index and ball mill Work Index as being indicative of an ore's compentency. Figure 8 plots this ratio versus …
عرض المزيدThe Bond ball mill grindability test is one of the most common metrics used in the mining industry for ore hardness measurements. The test is an important part of the Bond work …
عرض المزيدLearn how to determine the Bond Work Index of fine ore samples using a ball mill and a screen analysis. The Bond Work Index is a measure of the energy required to grind a unit mass of ore to a specific size.
عرض المزيدThe basic work index equation is: W = 10 Wi/√P – 10 Wi/√F(1) where W is the work input required in kilowatt hours per short ton to grind from 80% passing F microns to 80% passing P microns, and Wi is the work index, or the grinding resistance parameter. It represents the energy input required in kilowatt hours to reduce a s…
عرض المزيدwork index covering grinding of fine particles is labelled M. ib (Morrell, 2008). M. ia. values are provided as a standard output from a SMC Test ® (Morrell, 2004. a) whilst M. ib. values can be determined using the data generated by a conventional Bond ball mill work index test (M. ib. is NOT the Bond ball work index). M. ic. and M. ih ...
عرض المزيدAn analysis of the results shows a direct relationship between the Bond work index and the Denver work index when the Bond test is defined adequately to the Denver lab mill. Comparison of results ...
عرض المزيدSection snippets Material and experimental Bond tests. Samples of dacite and basalt from Serbia, copper ore from a South American meta-sedimentary copper mine, and copper porphyry ore from Canada, of different feed sizes, were used to determine the Bond ball mill work index according to the standard procedure.A standard Bond …
عرض المزيدSee this useful summary Table of Bond Work Index by Minerals. For any circuit, whether a crushing circuit, a rod mill, or a closed ball mill circuit, the Work Index always means the equivalent amount of energy to reduce one ton of the ore from a very large size to 100 um. The sample was received crushed appropriately for the ball mill test.
عرض المزيدThe Bond Ball Mill Grindability Test (Bond, 1952, 1961) gives the Bond Ball Mill Work Index. This Index expresses the resistance of a material to ball milling; the higher the value of the Bond Ball Mill Work Index, the more difficult it is to grind the material using a ball mill. This Index is widely used in the mineral industry for:
عرض المزيدLearn about the Bond work index, a parameter to measure ore hardness based on Bond's law of energy consumption. Find chapters and articles on comminution, Bond tests, and …
عرض المزيدThe Bond ball mill work index test requires the operator to select an appropriate screen size to "close" the test. The procedure states that the closing screen size should be such that the product size of the test is the same as the expected product size of the operating plant. If the tests were done at the wrong closing screen size, then a ...
عرض المزيدA standard Bond mill (Fig. 1) was designed to perform the work index tests and determine the energy consumption of various s minerals.The mill has a round internal housing at the corners, has no lifters, and is for dry grinding. The inner diameter and the length are 0.305 m, and the ball load is 19.4% of mill volume (equaling a total weight of …
عرض المزيدThe Bond ball mill grindability test is run in a laboratory until a circulating load of 250% is developed. It provides the Bond Ball Mill Work Index which expresses the resistance of material to ...
عرض المزيدIt is commonly known that one must run the Bond ball mill work index test such you pick a closing mesh to give a P 80 close to desired grind size. This is because work index frequently changes as ...
عرض المزيد